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Why sleep may protect you from heart disease

Why sleep may protect you from heart disease

In a new study, researchers found the reason why good nights’ sleep may help protect against heart disease. The research was funded by the National...
Drinking hot tea linked to higher risk of this cancer

Drinking hot tea linked to higher risk of esophageal cancer

In a new study, researchers found drinking hot tea is linked to increased risk of esophageal cancer. The finding suggests that drinking very hot tea...
Healthy people don’t need daily use of aspirin

Healthy people don’t need daily use of aspirin

In new guidelines for heart health, researchers suggest healthy people do not take aspirin every day unless their doctor prescribes it. The new guidelines are...
Scientists discover new treatment for pancreatic cancer

Scientists discover new treatment for pancreatic cancer

In a new study, researchers found a new potential treatment combination for pancreatic cancer. The new finding may help benefit people with cancer and save...
First drug for women with postpartum depression

First drug for women with postpartum depression

Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new drug called Zulresso (brexanolone) for treating postpartum depression in women. This is the...

Aggressive prostate cancer and lung cancer are driven by common mechanisms

In a recent study, UCLA researchers have discovered a common process in the development of late-stage, small cell cancers in the prostate and lung. These...
Scientists discover fountain of youth for heart health in the gut

Scientists discover fountain of youth for heart health in the gut

In a new study, researchers found the gut may hold the clue why blood vessels stiffen and degrade when people get old. Blood vessels stiffness...

3 things that prevent type 2 diabetes effectively

In a recent study, researchers found that lifestyle interventions, medication, and surgery for patients diagnosed with pre-diabetes are proven to delay or prevent Type...
Stress may link depression and heart disease

Stress may link depression and heart disease

In a new study, researchers found stress may lead to inflammation in the body, which links heart disease and depression. The research was conducted by...
Healthy blood pressure may protect older people from brain damage

Healthy blood pressure may reduce brain damage in older people

In a new study, researchers found lowering blood pressure in older age could help prevent worsening brain damage. The research was conducted by researchers at...