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This cancer drug could let tumors sleep forever

In a recent study, researchers found a new anti-cancer drug that could stop cancer cells from proliferating. The drug could put tumor cells to “sleep,”...

You can have blood vessels of a healthy 20-year-old into your 70s

In a recent study, researchers found that having the blood vessels of a healthy 20-year-old into one’s 70s is difficult but possible in Western...

Smoking may harm the body’s ability to fight skin cancer

In a new study, researchers found melanoma patients with a history of smoking cigarettes are 40% less likely to survive their skin cancer than...

Lowering blood pressure intensively linked to serious health risks

In a new study, researchers from Kaiser Permanente found that intensive blood pressure control can bring serious health risks. If patients taking prescribed medications experience...

This new high blood pressure treatment works like exercise

In a recent study, researchers at The University of Toledo found that by increasing the body’s supply of beta hydroxybutyrate could help regulate high...

Baking soda may help protect you from autoimmune diseases

In a recent study, researchers found that drinking baking soda could help prevent autoimmune diseases. The research was conducted by a team from Augusta University...

Scientists confirm the main cause of dementia

In a recent study, researchers confirmed they discovered the main cause of dementia. The researchers suggest that the build-up of urea in the brain to...

This drug could effectively reduce body weight in obese people

In a recent study, researchers found that a drug that targets the appetite control system in the brain could bring about significant weight loss...

Blood pressure and cholesterol drugs could protect people more than 10 years

In a recent study, researchers found that blood pressure and cholesterol lowering drugs continue to protect patients with hypertension after more than 10 years. The...

Primary care doctors may help you live longer, Stanford study shows

In a new study, researchers have shown just how important primary care physicians are in prolonging our lives. The research was led by researchers at...