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Scientists find the cause of Alzheimer’s disease in human brain

In a new study from the University of Cambridge, researchers have used human data to quantify the speed of different processes that lead to...

Scientists find a cure for type 2 diabetes

In a new study from the Technion, researchers developed a novel approach to treating type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, caused by insulin resistance and...

This old drug can save your life from COVID-19

In a new study from McMaster University, researchers found an inexpensive repurposed drug called fluvoxamine can save the lives of COVID-19 patients and cut...

Short on sleep? Your heart may have this problem

In a new study from Montana State University, researchers found healthy adults with chronically limited sleep showed abnormal heart rate patterns. Not getting enough sleep...

More Americans die of this dangerous brain disease

In a new study from the University of Iowa, researchers found that in the last two decades the death rate from Parkinson’s disease has...

COVID-19 antibodies can stay in your body 10 months after infection

In a new study, researchers looked at the antibodies of 38 patients and healthcare workers in St Thomas' Hospital who were infected within the...

At 31, a stroke immobilized his right side. Now he’s a competitive bodybuilder.

His headaches were getting worse, but R. Brady Johnson kept running. Running was his release, first while he was an active senior airman in...

COVID-19 booster can protect you from Delta effectively

In a new study from Harvard and the Clalit Research Institute, researchers found the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine shows Delta resistance. They analyzed one...

A gut feeling may be an early sign of colon cancer

In a recent study published in Nature Medicine Letters, researchers found that changes in the gut microbiome could play a big role in the early...

These common foods may sharp your brain

In a recent study published in the Neurobiology of Aging, researchers found that a higher intake of specific nutrients is linked to lower brain...