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These places in neighborhood may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes

In a new study from NYU Grossman School of Medicine, researchers found a link between a neighborhood's built environment and the likelihood that its...

This stuff in sharks could fight COVID-19 virus

In a new study from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, researchers found small, unique antibody-like proteins known as VNARs — derived from the immune systems...

You may have this heart problem if you have sleep loss

In a recent study published in the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, researchers found healthy adults with chronically limited sleep showed abnormal heart...

Scientists find most effective face-mask practices to reduce spread of COVID-19

In a new study, researchers found provide guidance for increasing the effectiveness of face masks to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The findings identify specific...

Intense meditation strongly boosts immune system

In a new study from the University of Florida, researchers found eight days of intense meditation causes robust activation of the immune system. At the...

Why are some COVID cases more severe than others?

Why do 80 to 90% of people infected with COVID-19 experience only mild cases while 10 to 20% face more severe or life-threatening symptoms? In...

This home cognitive tests may detect Alzheimer’s earlier

Many people experience forgetfulness as they age, but it’s often difficult to tell if these memory issues are a normal part of aging or...

The sunshine vitamin that ‘D’elivers on heart health

Free from the sun, vitamin D delivers a natural source for one of the hormones essential to our bodies, especially the bones. In a new study from...

How to live well with cancer-related fatigue

Fatigue, or constant feeling of tiredness, is very common in people with cancer. Cancer-related fatigue can be severe and last for a number of years...

New findings may help treat blood clots in COVID-19

In a new study from Yale, researchers found blood clots in patients with COVID-19 are associated with increased levels of various proteins that cause...