Could we stop Alzheimer’s? New clues found in the brain

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What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the brain. It’s a type of dementia, which means it can cause problems with memory, thinking, and behavior.

It usually happens to people who are 65 or older, but it can also affect younger people.

Right now, about 900,000 people in the UK have Alzheimer’s, and that number might go up to almost 1.6 million by 2040. The disease can cause severe memory loss and we don’t have a cure yet.

What Happens in the Brain with Alzheimer’s Disease?

The brain is like the command center of your body. It sends and receives signals to and from different parts of the body.

These signals are sent across tiny gaps called synapses. In people with Alzheimer’s, harmful things called tau proteins build up in the brain. These tau proteins can create tangles in the brain cells, which can stop the signals from moving across the synapses properly.

What Did the Researchers Do?

A group of scientists at the University of Edinburgh decided to take a closer look at synapses. They wanted to see how tau proteins affect them.

So, they used powerful microscopes to look at the synapses in the brains of 42 people who had died from Alzheimer’s disease. They wanted to see if they could find any patterns or clues that could help us understand the disease better.

What Did They Find?

What they found was surprising. They saw small clumps of tau proteins, called tau oligomers, inside the synapses. These clumps were inside both ends of the synapse: the end that sends the signal and the end that receives it.

The scientists also did a similar experiment with mice. They found that these tau oligomers could jump from one end of the synapse to the other. This means that the tau proteins could spread through the brain using the synapses.

Why is This Important?

This is important because it gives us new ideas about how Alzheimer’s disease might spread in the brain.

We used to think that tau proteins just built up in the brain cells, but now it seems like they might be spreading through the synapses. This could be why Alzheimer’s affects the brain’s ability to send and receive signals.

What Could We Do With This Information?

The researchers think that if we could find a way to lower the number of tau oligomers in the synapses, we might be able to slow down or stop the spread of Alzheimer’s disease.

This is just a theory right now, but it gives scientists a new direction to explore in their search for a cure.

What’s Next?

These findings have opened a new door for scientists studying Alzheimer’s disease. They now have a better understanding of how tau proteins affect synapses.

This new information could lead to new treatments or even a cure for Alzheimer’s.

For now, the researchers want to look more closely at different groups of people with Alzheimer’s, especially those who are more severely affected, to see if this new theory holds true.

Final Thoughts

Even though Alzheimer’s is a tough disease that affects a lot of people, this study gives us hope. It shows that we’re learning more about the disease all the time. And the more we learn, the closer we get to finding a cure.

With scientists around the world working hard on this problem, we can hope for a future where Alzheimer’s disease is a thing of the past.

If you care about Alzheimer’s, please read studies about a primary cause of Alzheimer’s, and common nutrient in meat may be key to preventing Alzheimer’s.

For more information about brain health, please see recent studies about new trigger of inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease, and results showing how alcohol, coffee and tea intake influence cognitive decline.

The study was published in Neuron.

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