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Intermittent fasting is a promising way to prevent type 2 diabetes

Intermittent fasting is known to improve sensitivity to the blood-glucose-lowering hormone insulin and to protect against fatty liver. In a new study, researchers found that...

What to know if you live with type 2 diabetes and heart disease amid...

As emerging science around COVID-19 highlights elevated danger for people with diabetes, heart disease and stroke, the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes...

Higher intake of this nutrient linked to lower diabetes risk

In a new study, researchers found that a higher intake of manganese is associated with a lower type 2 diabetes risk among older women. The...

This therapy may restore body’s ability to produce insulin, treating diabetes

Diabetes occurs when there are not enough beta cells in the pancreas, or when those beta cells secrete too little insulin, the hormone required...

Why people with type 2 diabetes have poor blood sugar control

People with type 2 diabetes secrete not only too little insulin but also too much glucagon, which contributes to poor blood glucose control. In a...

This device allows people with type 2 diabetes to safely use more affordable insulin

In a new study, researchers found that adults with type 2 diabetes requiring insulin therapy can safely achieve good blood sugar control using regular...

This diabetes drug may increase risk of heart failure

Rosiglitazone belongs to a class of drugs called thiazolidinediones. It helps control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes, but it can also...

Obesity is a key risk factor for type 2 diabetes, regardless of genetics

In a new study, researchers found that obesity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by at least 6 times, regardless of genetic...

COVID-19 facts people with diabetes should know

People with diabetes are being warned that they are at "high risk" during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a Purdue University expert can explain more...

This type of work may raise risks of diabetes, heart disease, stroke

About 17.7% of the U.S. labor force works outside the hours of 6 am and 6 pm. Shift workers are central to the travel, hospitality...