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What to eat if you have pre-diabetes

What to eat if you have pre-diabetes

Pre-diabetes is a health condition when blood sugar levels in the body are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as...
These 9 things may increase your risk of pre-diabetes

These 9 things may increase your risk of pre-diabetes

Pre-diabetes is a health condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal. Although not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,...

Type 2 diabetes linked to more than 10 types of cancer

In a new study, researchers found that type 2 diabetes is linked to a higher risk of 11 types of cancer in men. They also...
Why cheese could help prevent type 2 diabetes

Why cheese could help prevent type 2 diabetes

In a new study, researchers found both low- and regular-fat cheeses could help improve insulin sensitivity. This may be why eating cheese could help prevent...

People with diabetes need to know this eye disease

in a recent study published in Clinical Ophthalmology, researchers found that people with diabetes have a higher risk of dry eye disease. It is known that...
Treating pre-diabetes may strongly reduce chronic pain

Treating pre-diabetes may strongly reduce chronic pain

In a new study, researchers found that treating insulin resistance could strongly reduce the pain of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is one of the most common conditions...
How obesity, insulin resistance may harm your cognitive functions

How obesity, insulin resistance may harm your cognitive functions

In a new study, researchers have discovered how obesity and insulin resistance may harm cognitive functions. They found that obesity can break down the protective...
Diabetes may raise risk of spread of cancer

Diabetes may increase risk of spread of cancer

In a new study, researchers found that diabetes may increase the risk of metastatic cancer. Their finding provides a possible explanation for this health double...
Is diabetes linked to Parkinson’s disease?

Is diabetes linked to Parkinson’s disease?

In a large study, researchers find that people with type 2 diabetes may have a higher risk of Parkinson’s disease later in life. In addition,...
Intensive blood pressure treatment may benefit people with type 2 diabetes

Intensive blood pressure treatment could benefit people with type 2 diabetes

In a new study, researchers found that intensive treatment that helps keep healthy blood pressure levels may benefit people with type 2 diabetes. The intensive...