Drug metformin can affect breast cancer risk in women with diabetes
In a new study, researchers found that there appears to be no association between type 2 diabetes and developing breast cancer overall.
This may be...
Smoking and vaping can damage kidneys in people with diabetes
In a new study, researchers found that nicotine can worsen kidney disease in smokers with diabetes and damages kidney filters in these people.
The toxic...
This healthy diet may cut your diabetes risk by nearly one third
In a recent study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, researchers examined more than 25,000 women’s diets.
They found that women who adhered to a Mediterranean...
Reversing prediabetes linked to fewer heart attacks, strokes
People who reverse their prediabetes may lower the risk of heart attack, stroke and death, a new study suggests.
With prediabetes, a person has blood...
This health problem can lead to the leading cause of death in type 2...
In a new study, researchers found that obesity and weight gain can lead to vascular disorders, the leading cause of disease and death for...
This type of food linked to lower risks of high blood pressure, diabetes
In a recent study published in BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, researchers at McMaster University found eating at least two daily servings of dairy...
Eating this food may help lower risk of type 2 diabetes
In a new study, researchers found that consumption of oily fish, but not non-oily fish, is linked to a lower risk for type 2...
This surgery can be a cure for type 2 diabetes
In a new study, researchers found that metabolic surgery is more effective than drugs and lifestyle interventions in the long-term control of severe type...
Diabetes strongly linked to this heart disease in women
While deaths related to heart disease have declined among older people, studies suggest that death rates among younger patients have remained stagnant or increased...
The health risk of a low-fat, plant-based diet
In a new study, researchers found that people on a low-fat, plant-based diet ate fewer daily calories but had higher insulin and blood glucose...