Breast Cancer

This less-invasive treatment may benefit more people with breast cancer

This less-invasive treatment may benefit more people with breast cancer

In a new study, researchers found that a less-invasive mastectomy has become a safe option for more patients with breast cancer. The procedure is called...
People surviving these three cancers need to protect their brain carefully

People surviving these three cancers need to protect their brain carefully

In a new study, researchers found that older people who survive breast cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma (skin cancer) may have a higher risk...
5 things you can do to prevent cancer

5 things you can do to prevent cancer

Cancer is a collection of related diseases. In all kinds of cancer, some body cells begin to divide and cannot be stopped. Eventually, they spread...

Diet high in leucine may harm people with breast cancer

In a new study, researchers found that foods high in leucine may fuel breast cancer's drug resistance. The finding reveals a potential new method to...
Scientists discover a new way to block the spread of breast cancer

Scientists discover a new way to block the spread of breast cancer

Metastasis is the leading cause of cancer-related death. In a recent study, researchers from Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) discover a protein that, once deactivated,...
5 simple ways to reduce breast cancer risk

5 simple ways to reduce breast cancer risk

Breast cancer is common cancer in women, and many of its risk factors are related to lifestyle behaviors. Here are 5 ways to change lifestyle...
These 7 things may increase breast cancer risk

These 7 things may increase breast cancer risk

Breast cancer is cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts. It is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in the U.S. after skin cancer. Many risk...
Dim light at night may boost spread of breast cancer

Dim light at night may boost spread of breast cancer

In a new study, researchers found exposure to dim light at night may contribute to the spread of breast cancer to the bones. The study...
Soybean oil could reduce fatigue in people with breast cancer

Soybean oil could reduce fatigue in people with breast cancer

In a new study, researchers found soybean oil was better than fish oil for reducing fatigue in breast cancer survivors. The finding raises questions about...
Scientists develop new method to treat aggressive breast cancer

Scientists develop new method to treat aggressive breast cancer

In a new study, researchers outline a new therapeutic strategy to treat triple-negative breast cancer. Triple-negative breast cancer is a particularly aggressive form of breast...