A quick eye test may help detect Alzheimer’s before symptoms appear
In a new study, researchers found a quick eye exam may one day help detect Alzheimer’s disease before a patient has symptoms like memory...
Daily ibuprofen may protect against Alzheimer’s disease
In a recent study, researchers found a daily intake of the non-prescription NSAID ibuprofen could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease if started early enough.
The research...
How sleep problems linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s
In two new studies, researchers found sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, are strongly linked to Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
The findings emphasize the...
Deep sleep may boost the brain cleaning system, reduce Alzheimer’s risk
In a new study, researchers found the depth of sleep could influence the brain's ability to wash away waste and toxic proteins.
The research was...
Hip fracture may be a first sign of Alzheimer’s disease
A new study from Johns Hopkins has shown that brain alterations related to Alzheimer’s could lead to poor balance in older people.
This could increase...
This drug may protect you from Alzheimer’s if used early
A new study published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia has found that if people take FDA-approved drug memantine before the symptoms occur, they may prevent...
This native California plant may offer hope for Alzheimer’s treatment
In a new study, researchers found an anti-inflammatory chemical in a native California shrub called Yerba santa may help develop a treatment for Alzheimer's...
Improving the brain ‘cleaning system’ could help remove Alzheimer’s
In a new study, researchers have created a better understanding of Alzheimer's.
They have shown that the cleaning system of the brain cells, a process...
Scientists discover new potential therapy for Alzheimer’s disease
In a new study, researchers have uncovered an enzyme and a biochemical pathway.
They believe the finding may lead to the identification of drugs that...
Chronic inflammation in middle age may cause memory problems later in life
In a new study, researchers found people who have chronic inflammation in middle-age may develop problems with thinking and memory in the decades leading...