Alzheimer's disease

Scientists discover a cause of age-related memory loss

In a new study, researchers found that calcium levels in specific cells in the brain play a key role in age-related memory loss. The finding...

Alzheimer’s disease can destroy neurons that keep us awake

In a new study, researchers suggest that Alzheimer's disease directly attacks brain regions responsible for wakefulness during the day. This means Alzheimer's disease could destroy...

Scientists discover genes for both late- and early-onset Alzheimer’s

In a new study, researchers have identified a pair of genes that influence risk for both late-onset and early-onset Alzheimer's disease. The finding could provide...

Scientists find new way to predict cognitive decline due to Alzheimer’s disease

In a new study, researchers have developed a new method to help predict if patients at risk for Alzheimer's disease will experience a cognitive...

This novel detector could help with early Alzheimer’s diagnosis

In a new study, researchers have developed a high-sensitivity detector that could help aid early Alzheimer's diagnosis. The research was conducted by a team from...

Choline in meat and eggs may help reduce your risk of dementia

In a new study, researchers found that dietary intake of phosphatidylcholine is associated with a reduced risk of dementia. This is the first study to...
This treatment enables older people have sharp memory like 20-year-olds

This treatment helps senior people have sharp memory like 20-year-olds

In a new study, researchers found that a brain treatment called electrostimulation could improve working memory performance in older people. People in their 70s could...

Regular exercise could protect your brain, especially if you have risk of Alzheimer’s

In a new study, researchers found that moderate exercise helps to prevent the development of physical signs of Alzheimer’s in those who are at...

This brain scan may measure Alzheimer’s more accurately

In a new study, researchers found that the presence of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain may be a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, but an...

Scientists can use smartphone to manipulate your brain

In a new study, researchers have invented a device that can control neural circuits using a tiny brain implant controlled by a smartphone. The finding...