Alzheimer's disease

Scientists caution against overtreatment of preclinical Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most dreaded diagnoses, partly because there is no effective medication to stop it or slow it down. But new...

Researchers find a cause of memory loss in older people

As we get older, our memory starts to fail and it becomes harder to learn new things. It would not be unreasonable to assume that...

Alzheimer’s disease is detectable in blood tests, study shows

In a new study, researchers have discovered changes in blood samples linked to Alzheimer's disease. They examined disease-discordant twin pairs: one sibling who suffered from...

This brain therapy helps older people have good memory like 20-year-olds

Working memory is the active memory for us to make decisions, reason, recall our grocery lists, and remember where we left our keys. Previous research...

Scientists find new potential therapy for Alzheimer’s

Messy tangles of a protein called tau can be found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease and some other neurodegenerative diseases. In Alzheimer's,...

How to maintain your brain health when you are older

Getting older can bring many changes, both physically and mentally. Even when you’re healthy, your brain and body start slowing down. Maintaining your cognitive health—the...

This type of yoga may benefit people with dementia

In a new study, researchers found chair yoga more effective than music therapy in older adults with dementia. The research was conducted by a team...

Alcohol drinking linked to dementia risk

In a new study, researchers found alcohol intake in later life is linked to dementia risk. The research was conducted by a team from Harvard...

Yo-yoing blood pressure could be bad for those with Alzheimer’s

Fluctuating blood pressure may be associated with worsening dementia in people with Alzheimer's disease, according to new research. The study published Monday in the American...

Scientists find new way to treat diabetes-associated Alzheimer’s disease

In a new study, researchers have identified a protein that may contribute to the progression of Alzheimer's disease pathology in type-2 diabetes. The finding could...