
250000-year-old skull raises questions about human origins

The discovery of a partial skull of a young child believed to have died at least 250,000 years ago in a cave near Johannesburg,...

Scientists discover nearly 500 ancient sites in Southern Mexico

Using laser mapping data, researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and other institutions have discovered 478 ancient ceremonial centers in southern Mexico. Most...

This dinosaur era crab in amber helps fill in evolutionary gap

A young crustacean locked in amber 100 million years ago is filling a crucial gap in the puzzle of crab evolution, according to a...

No one outruns death, but hunter-gatherers come closest

Our sedentary tendencies may be robbing us of a key benefit of physical activity: The myriad repair mechanisms that heal the minor dings and tears...

These 23,000-year-old human footprints are the oldest in the Americas

“For decades, archaeologists have debated when people first arrived in the Americas,” says study coauthor Vance Holliday, a professor in the University of Arizona...

Scientists find the earliest evidence of human activity in the Americas

Footprints found at White Sands National Park in New Mexico provide the earliest unequivocal evidence of human activity in the Americas and offer insight...

Prehistoric humans rarely mated with their cousins, shows study

Scientists screened ancient humans that lived during the last 45,000 years to find out how closely related their parents were. The results surprising: ancient humans...

How lead (maybe) caused the downfall of ancient Rome

Ancient Rome's emperors did some pretty bizarre stuff -- bursting into uncontrollable fits of laughter, appointing a horse as a priest, dressing in animal...

‘Dragon man’ fossil may replace Neanderthals as our closest relative

A near-perfectly preserved ancient human fossil known as the Harbin cranium sits in the Geoscience Museum in Hebei GEO University. The largest of known Homo...

Anglo-Saxon ancestry was ‘mixed and mutable’, shows study

The ancestry of early Anglo-Saxons, a subject of some debate, included immigrants from continental Europe as well as people indigenous to Great Britain, according...