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Scientists create super-powerful zinc-manganese battery

Are you ready for batteries that could change how we store clean energy? Scientists from the University of Science and Technology of China have created...

How magnetic fields can prevent overheating in high-power electronic devices

Do you know how your phone or computer sometimes gets hot when you use it a lot? Imagine if it got so hot that...

How zinc-ion batteries may solve our renewable energy storage problem

Hotter summers, drier forests, rising waters: climate change is not just a threat to our future, it's hurting our world right now. While there are...

Heat pumps could be better than oil and gas in making homes warmer

As we get closer to the year 2030, Europe is ramping up its efforts to fight climate change. A big goal is to cut...

Super-fast electric car charging: a game-changing breakthrough

We all know that electric cars are the future. They're good for the planet and they're becoming more popular every day. But there's one...

Scientists make a self-powered sensor from plants

Qi Chen was a Ph.D. student just starting her research on special foam-like materials. One day while hanging out with friends, she talked about...

Supercharged magnetic swirls could make future computers fast and energy-efficient

Ever find your laptop getting hot when you're using it? That's because computers need a lot of energy to work. They use something called "electrons"...

Scientists find new way to make hydrogen fuel cells more efficient and eco-friendlier

Ever heard of hydrogen fuel cells? They're a game-changer because they offer a clean way to generate electricity. Unlike batteries that run out and need...

How mixing two types of solar panels makes them better and tougher

Solar power is great for the environment, but there's a limit to how much energy traditional solar cells can produce. That's why scientists are always...

A game-changer in battery recycling: How scientists are making it easier to reuse lithium

Have you ever thought about what happens to your phone's battery once it's worn out? Or what about the batteries in electric cars? These are all...