Sleep loss due to the Super Bowl? 40% of Americans often have
Fun on Super Bowl Sunday can lead to a tired Monday for many. In a new survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine...
Scientists discover terrifying epilepsy demon on 2,700-year-old clay tablet
A 2,700-year-old cuneiform tablet from ancient Iraq depicts the demon that the ancient Assyrians thought caused epilepsy.
It’s a previously overlooked element of the tablet...
The holidays are here…Helpful tips to reduce your stress
There is a lot of activity during the holiday season: exchanging presents, lots of eating, and, of course, an overload of gatherings and family...
Four things you might not know about Christmas
For many, it's the most wonderful time of the year. But how much do you really know about it?
Think you know everything about Santa...
The science of Star Wars and how it has changed movies forever
How sound is the science of Star Wars?
What will the end of franchise mean for fans?
University of Sydney experts in film, pop culture and...
How to avoid food poisoning this holiday season
Preparing a holiday feast can begin as soon as you get home from the grocery store.
But if you want to serve family and friends...
How to enjoy a gluten-free Thanksgiving dinner
Thanksgiving is a holiday built around a meal. And the meal is a specific one, with the menu largely set in stone.
This can cause...
The science behind the flavors of your Thanksgiving meal
Americans will eat millions of pounds of turkey, cranberries, potatoes, pies and other favorites for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
Cordelia Running, an assistant professor at...
Scientists find a place on Earth where there is no life
Living beings, especially microorganisms, have a surprising ability to adapt to the most extreme environments on our planet, but there are still places where...
Smart people may learn music faster
In a new study, researchers found that some people learn music more quickly than others and that intelligence could play a role.
the study may...