Research shows root cause of Alzheimer’s disease

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Alzheimer’s disease is a common illness in older people and the main type of dementia. It causes memory loss, difficulty thinking, and changes in behavior.

Although treatments can help manage these symptoms, finding a complete cure has been challenging. This challenge has sparked worldwide research to find the fundamental cause of Alzheimer’s.

Traditionally, scientists have had two main ideas about what causes Alzheimer’s. The first idea is that it involves a buildup of a protein called amyloid-beta in the brain. This buildup messes with the way nerve cells communicate.

The second idea, which has gained attention more recently, suggests the problem might be with how cells produce energy, involving structures called mitochondria.

A groundbreaking study by Jan Gruber at Yale-NUS College supports this second idea about energy production issues.

The research used a type of worm called Caenorhabditis elegans, which, despite its simplicity, shares important cellular features with humans. The findings showed that these energy issues occurred before the amyloid-beta protein started to accumulate.

One of the most exciting parts of the study was the use of Metformin, a drug typically used to treat diabetes.

In the worms treated with Metformin, the energy production problems were corrected, which brought their health and lifespan back to normal levels. This indicates that fixing these energy issues might help prevent Alzheimer’s.

The study suggests a new way of looking at Alzheimer’s and other diseases that usually affect older people. It proposes that these conditions might not just be separate diseases but could be part of the aging process itself.

By focusing on the basic aging processes, we might find new ways to treat or prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s.

This new approach could shift how we think about and research aging and disease. The findings from the study suggest that focusing on how cells produce energy and function at a metabolic level could be key in battling Alzheimer’s.

However, before we can apply treatments like Metformin to humans for Alzheimer’s, more research is necessary to ensure they are safe and effective.

The study, published in the scientific journal eLife, opens new possibilities in understanding Alzheimer’s and rethinking aging and its associated diseases.

While it doesn’t solve the Alzheimer’s puzzle completely, it adds an important piece by showing a potential new direction for treatment and prevention strategies.

In conclusion, as research continues, there’s hope that targeting these fundamental processes might lead to more effective treatments, offering a new horizon in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

This approach not only helps in tackling Alzheimer’s but also encourages us to think differently about how aging affects our health and how we might manage age-related diseases more effectively in the future.

If you care about Alzheimer’s, please read studies about the likely cause of Alzheimer’s disease , and new non-drug treatment that could help prevent Alzheimer’s.

For more information about brain health, please see recent studies about diet that may help prevent Alzheimer’s, and results showing some dementia cases could be prevented by changing these 12 things.

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