This vitamin supplement may increase spread of cancer

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Many people add vitamins and minerals to their diet, hoping to stay healthy.

It’s quite common to hear about the benefits of these supplements, but not everything about them is as beneficial as we might think.

A recent finding from the University of Missouri has raised eyebrows.

It suggests that too much of a good thing might actually be bad, especially when it comes to nicotinamide riboside (NR), a version of vitamin B3.

For a while, NR has been in the spotlight for its potential health perks, such as improving heart health, boosting metabolism, and even supporting brain health. But this recent research tells a different story.

It turns out that high doses of NR might actually increase the chances of developing a tough-to-treat form of breast cancer known as triple-negative breast cancer.

Worse still, it could help this cancer spread to the brain, a scenario often considered a death sentence due to the lack of effective treatments.

This revelation underlines the importance of being cautious with dietary supplements, especially those like NR that seem promising for boosting energy at the cellular level.

The researchers dove into this study with a focus on how cancer cells, which are known for their voracious appetite for energy, might interact with NR.

They compared the levels of NR in cancer cells, immune cells known as T cells, and healthy tissues to understand its effects better.

Their findings highlight a crucial message: Always thoroughly vet dietary supplements for possible side effects before embracing them, especially if you’re dealing with health issues.

The study, led by Elena Goun and her team, published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, is a wake-up call for those who might think all supplements are safe.

The road ahead involves further research to confirm these findings and fully grasp how NR influences cancer risk. Until then, it’s wise to talk to a healthcare professional before adding any supplement to your routine.

Choosing Supplements Wisely

Navigating the world of dietary supplements can be tricky. With so many options and bold claims, how do you make the right choice? Here are some straightforward tips to guide you:

Talk to a Professional: Your doctor or healthcare provider should be your first stop. They can offer advice on what’s safe and what might clash with medications you’re taking.

Research the Maker: The quality of supplements can vary widely. Look into who makes them and check if they follow strict manufacturing standards.

Read the Label: Ingredients and dosages should be clear and straightforward. Avoid products that leave you guessing what’s inside.

Seek Out Third-Party Testing: Independent checks for quality, purity, and potency add an extra layer of trust. Look for seals of approval from reputable organizations.

Beware of Miracles: Steer clear of any supplement that promises a quick fix for serious health issues. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Stick to the Recommended Dose: More isn’t always better. Follow the dosage instructions to avoid unwanted side effects.

Balance Your Approach: Remember, supplements are just one piece of the puzzle. A healthy diet and regular exercise are the foundation of good health.

By taking these steps, you can make informed choices about dietary supplements, ensuring they support your health without unintended consequences.

If you care about cancer, please read studies that artificial sweeteners are linked to higher cancer risk, and how drinking milk affects risks of heart disease and cancer.

For more information about health, please see recent studies about the best time to take vitamins to prevent heart disease, and results showing vitamin D supplements strongly reduces cancer death.

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