Where you live can affect your breast cancer risk

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Breast cancer, a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women, has been associated with various risk factors, including inadequate healthcare access, unhealthy diets, and insufficient exercise.

However, researchers from the University of Maryland, in collaboration with George Mason University, sought to uncover why breast cancer death rates vary across different regions of the United States.

Their innovative study, published in JAMA Network Open, sheds light on patterns of breast cancer survival that connect social and environmental factors with specific geographic areas.

Regional Disparities in Breast Cancer Survival

The research findings revealed intriguing patterns of breast cancer survival, highlighting the influence of social and environmental factors in different regions of the country.

Here are some key insights:

Access to Healthy Food:

Limited access to healthy food was correlated with lower breast cancer survival rates in the East and Southeast regions.

In contrast, this correlation was not observed in the West or Southwest.

Opportunities for Exercise:

The availability of exercise opportunities was a more significant determinant of breast cancer survival in the Southwest compared to other regions.

Geographic Impact:

Location played a substantial role in breast cancer mortality rates, leading to variations even within adjacent towns and neighborhoods with similar risk factors.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this study was the methodology used by the researchers.

Instead of conducting location-specific surveys, they analyzed large-scale national datasets encompassing human health, environmental conditions, and social and demographic information.

Travis Gallo, an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at UMD and co-author of the study, noted that this unique approach allowed them to identify spatially specific hotspots and understand where the effects of different risk factors were most pronounced.

This information could pave the way for culturally tailored interventions to reduce breast cancer mortality.

Regional Variations in Risk Factors

The study revealed that while some risk factors, such as obesity and limited access to mammogram screenings, consistently contributed to high breast cancer mortality rates regardless of location, others varied in significance from one place to another.

These regional variations suggest that addressing risk factors requires tailored approaches.

For instance, in regions where food deserts are strongly linked to breast cancer mortality rates, efforts to increase access to healthy food and public health messaging should be designed to resonate with the affected communities.

Similarly, in areas where exercise opportunities are more relevant for survival rates, programs aimed at reducing breast cancer mortality can be tailored to meet the needs of specific populations.


This study offers valuable insights into the complex relationship between social and environmental factors and breast cancer survival rates in different regions of the United States.

By understanding these regional variations, public health officials can better target their efforts to reduce breast cancer mortality.

Tailored interventions and culturally relevant strategies can help address the unique risk factors contributing to breast cancer in various communities across the country.

If you care about breast cancer, please read studies about a major cause of deadly breast cancer, and common blood pressure drugs may increase death risk in breast cancer.

For more information about cancer prevention, please see recent studies about nutrient in fish that can be a poison for cancer, and results showing this daily vitamin is critical to cancer prevention.

The research findings can be found in JAMA Network Open.

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