Many kids are taking melatonin for sleep, but is it safe?

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A new study has found that a lot of children are using melatonin to help them sleep. Melatonin is a hormone that our bodies naturally make to help us sleep and keep our sleep patterns in check.

But now, more and more parents are giving melatonin supplements to their children to help them fall asleep.

High Melatonin Use Among Kids

The study found that almost one out of every five school-aged kids and preteens in the United States is taking melatonin to sleep.

This is a big increase from just a few years ago when very few parents reported using melatonin for their children.

Melatonin supplements are available in stores, and some are even designed to look like gummy candies, making them more appealing to kids. But these supplements are not regulated as strictly as medicines by the government.

Is Melatonin Safe for Kids?

While melatonin is usually safe for adults, there isn’t enough research to know if it’s safe for children in the long term. The worry is that kids might get used to taking melatonin to fall asleep and think it’s the only solution to sleep problems.

Some scientists also worry that giving melatonin to children whose bodies are still growing might affect when they start going through puberty. But there haven’t been enough studies to be sure.

Another concern is that some melatonin supplements don’t contain the amount of melatonin they claim to have on the label. This means parents might not know how much melatonin they’re really giving their children.

The Importance of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for children’s growth and development. If kids are having trouble sleeping, it’s essential to look into the reasons behind it rather than just using a pill as a quick fix.

Sleep experts suggest trying other methods to help kids sleep better, like creating a bedtime routine, limiting screen time before bed, and making sure their sleeping environment is comfortable and dark.

While melatonin can be helpful for some children in the short term, it’s essential to be cautious. Parents should talk to their healthcare providers before giving melatonin to their children regularly.

It’s also crucial to address any underlying sleep issues to ensure kids get the rest they need for a healthy life.

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The research findings can be found in JAMA Paediatrics.

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