Metabolic surgery can be a lifesaver for people with diabetes

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The battle against obesity and diabetes continues to be one of the significant health challenges in the 21st century.

With a staggering 42% of Americans being obese, the risks linked to these conditions, like heart disease, stroke, and even increased vulnerability to COVID-19, are continually mounting.

While there are various methods to manage and combat diabetes, metabolic surgery (often referred to as bariatric or weight-loss surgery) has emerged as a potentially transformative treatment option.

Why is Metabolic Surgery Gaining Attention?

For many, this isn’t just about shedding pounds. The profound impact of this surgery on diabetes has garnered significant attention.

Studies have shown an impressive rate of diabetes remission post-surgery, with 60-80% of patients no longer showing symptoms of the disease.

But what about those where diabetes lingers or returns? Can the surgery still offer heart health benefits?

A recent study presented at the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) 2023 conference offers some compelling insights.

Enhanced Longevity and Quality of Life: Those with diabetes who underwent metabolic surgery had a distinct health advantage.

They faced a lower risk of heart attacks, strokes, and hospitalizations. When these medical emergencies did occur, the mortality rate was reduced, with a remarkable 27% decrease in deaths from heart attacks and strokes.

Better Diabetes Management: Dr. Jonathan Jenkins, a leading voice in the research, elucidated that even if diabetes doesn’t disappear post-surgery, the operation can still regulate blood sugar levels effectively, potentially underpinning the heart-protective benefits.

Significant Cost Savings and Reduced Hospital Stays: Beyond the health advantages, patients who underwent metabolic surgery found themselves in the hospital less frequently, translating to financial savings between $1,000 and $4,000.

The surgery also diminished the need for other significant procedures like heart bypass surgeries or limb amputations.

Expanding the Benefits Beyond Remission: Dr. Teresa LaMasters, the President of ASMBS, emphasized the value of the surgery beyond just diabetes remission.

Even if the diabetes persists, the surgery can still buffer against the debilitating complications of the disease.

The Road Ahead

The promising results of this surgery stand in stark contrast to its current uptake. A mere 1% of eligible patients undergo this procedure annually.

This percentage dipped even further in 2020, given the operational challenges posed by the pandemic.

Metabolic surgery’s multifaceted benefits, from potentially halting diabetes in its tracks to fortifying heart health, underline its significance in our medical arsenal against diabetes and obesity.

As the fight against these conditions continues, it might just be the lifeline many are searching for.

If you care about blood sugar, please read studies about why blood sugar is high in the morning, and how to cook sweet potatoes without increasing blood sugar.

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