Why regular sleep matters: a study on sleep and life expectancy

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Did you know that a good night’s sleep can do wonders for you? You might feel fresh and energetic after a solid sleep, ready to conquer the day!

But, did you also know that having a regular sleep schedule could even help you live longer? Yes, you heard that right!

A recent study shared some exciting findings about sleep patterns and how they can affect our health and longevity, which is a fancy word for how long we live.

The Great Sleep Study

A bunch of scientists led by a person named Dr. Joon Chung, who works at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, did a super important study.

They wanted to see if the way adults sleep, meaning when and how long, affected how long they lived.

And guess what?

They found that adults who have a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, and sleep enough each night, had a 39% lower chance of dying earlier than those who slept at irregular times or didn’t get enough sleep.

What Did the Scientists Do?

To find out this amazing information, the researchers looked at data from a previous study that followed 1,759 people for about seven years.

They used a cool gadget called a wrist actigraphy to measure when and how long the people were sleeping for seven days. This gadget is like a watch, but instead of telling time, it monitors when you’re asleep and awake.

During the seven-year period, 176 people in the study passed away. The researchers looked at the sleeping habits of these people and compared them with those who were still alive.

They took into account a lot of other factors that could affect how long people live, like their age, lifestyle, overall health, and if they had any major sleep problems.

What Does This All Mean?

This study showed that not just getting enough sleep, but having a regular sleep schedule, matters a lot for our health.

It’s like Dr. Chung said, “If sleep were an eight-hour pill, it would be beneficial to take the full dose at regular times, consistently.”

This means, if we think of sleep like medicine, it’s best to get the right amount at the same time every day.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society recommend that adults should sleep 7 or more hours per night on a regular basis.

That’s the magic number for optimal health. But it’s not just for adults; kids need even more sleep than grown-ups do!

What We Can Do

This research is really important for us because it tells us how crucial sleep is for our health. It’s not just about sleeping a lot; it’s about sleeping regularly. So, how can we make sure we’re doing this?

Well, we could try setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time. That means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Sounds tough, right? But our bodies would thank us for it.

So, let’s think about our sleep schedule and see if we can make it more regular.

Because just like eating healthy foods and exercising, getting a good night’s sleep – and lots of them – is an important part of staying healthy. And who knows? It might even help us live longer, too!

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The study was published in Sleep.

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