Can coconut sugar help reduce high blood pressure?

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What is Coconut Sugar?

Coconut sugar comes from the sap of the coconut tree. It’s a natural sweetener used in Asian cooking. It’s packed with good things like vitamins B and C, iron, calcium, and potassium.

It also has things called flavonoids and nitrates that are good for your blood vessels. Plus, it contains a special type of fiber called inulin, which can help control your blood sugar levels.

The Study on Coconut Sugar

Scientists from Ball State University and other places did a study to see if coconut sugar could help heart health.

They were interested in two problems that can lead to heart disease: high blood pressure and stiff blood vessels. These problems usually get worse as people get older.

The Experiment

The scientists tested a group of adults around the age of 55. Half of them took a supplement made from coconut sugar every day for eight weeks.

The other half took a fake supplement (placebo). The scientists checked their heart rates, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and how stiff their blood vessels were before and after the experiment.

The Results

The adults who took the coconut sugar supplement had better blood pressure when measured in their arm. They also had less stiff blood vessels in their neck (the carotid artery).

But, the supplement didn’t change their heart rate, cholesterol levels, or certain markers of inflammation and stress in their blood.

What This Means

The scientists think coconut sugar might help treat or prevent heart problems related to age.

The way it lowers blood pressure and makes blood vessels less stiff could be a big help. But remember, this is just one study. More research is needed to know for sure.

Other Helpful Tips for Blood Pressure

If you’re worried about blood pressure, there are other things that can help.

For example, getting enough vitamin D can improve blood pressure in people with diabetes. And drinking black tea might help reduce blood pressure too.

But be careful about the medicine you take for high blood pressure. Some types might increase the risk of heart failure. Make sure to talk to your doctor about the best treatment for you.

If you care about high blood pressure, please read studies about how fasting may help reverse high blood pressure, and beetroot juice could help reduce blood pressure

For more information about health, please see recent studies about 5 medicines to treat high blood pressure, and results showing diets high in flavonoids could help reduce stroke risk.

This study was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

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