An egg a day can maintain good vitamin D level in body

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Scientists from Deakin University found that eating an egg every day in winter can help keep your vitamin D levels up.

The research is published in The Journal of Nutrition and was conducted by Professor Robin Daly et al.

As many as one in three Australian adults may have vitamin D deficiency. It can lead to fatigue, aches, muscle weakness, mood changes, and an increased risk of contracting respiratory infections.

The main source of vitamin D is exposure to sunlight. Many Australians don’t get enough sun during winter.

But dark-skinned people, people who need to stay indoors, and people who cover their skin for religious or cultural reasons may also have difficulty keeping their vitamin D levels up year-round.

Calcium is crucial for healthy bones. Long-term vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, a condition that decreases the density of your bones.

People with osteoporosis are more likely to suffer bone breaks or fractures. Older Australians are particularly at risk.

Vitamin D is difficult to source from foods. People with low vitamin D levels are often prescribed supplements. Eggs are one of the few foods that are a naturally rich source of vitamin D.

In the study, researchers found weekly consumption of seven eggs was an effective dietary approach to optimize vitamin D levels during the winter months when sunlight hours decline.

They tested fifty-one adults aged 25–40 years, who were assigned to three groups that were asked to consume either two, seven, or 12 eggs per week for 12 weeks.

As well as measuring blood vitamin D levels, the research team also looked at changes in blood lipids. They found there were no significant adverse effects on cholesterol.

Participants found it relatively easy to eat the eggs as part of their daily diets.

If you care about supplements, please read studies about what vitamin D can do to your health, and people with diabetes should consider taking this vitamin.

For more information about nutrition, please see recent studies about how much vitamin D is enough, and results showing vitamin C is linked to a lower risk of early death.

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