Vitamin supplements cannot reduce the death risk of COVID-19, shows study

In a new study from the University of Toledo, researchers found that taking immune-boosting supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc do not lessen the chance of dying from COVID-19.

Early in the pandemic, healthcare providers tried a variety of micronutrients as potential therapies for the new illness.

More recently, supplements have been promoted by some as an alternative to safe and proven vaccines.

But there’s been little evidence those strategies work, despite the enduring interest in them.

In the current study, the team reviewed 26 peer-reviewed studies from around the globe that included more than 5,600 hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

Their analysis found no reduction in mortality for those being treated with vitamin D, vitamin C, or zinc compared to patients who did not receive one of those three supplements.

But they did find that treatment with vitamin D may be linked to lower rates of intubation and shorter hospital stays.

Vitamin C and zinc were not linked to shorter hospital stays or lowering the chance a patient would be put on a ventilator.

While the study predominately looked at patients who were already sick and hospitalized with COVID-19 when given the supplements, researchers did analyze a smaller subset of individuals who had been taking vitamin D prior to contracting the virus.

They found no significant difference in the mortality rate of that population either.

The findings suggest that the answer to Covid-19 is the vaccine. Micronutrient supplements will not offset the lack of vaccination or make you not need the vaccine. Taking lots of vitamin supplements will not change the result for hospitalized patients.

As Dr. Azizullah Beran says, if you don’t medically need these supplements, don’t take them just because you think they’re protective against COVID-19.

They’re not going to prevent you from getting it and they’re not going to prevent you from dying.

Researchers caution that the study shouldn’t be interpreted as saying vitamin and mineral supplements are bad or should be avoided, but rather make it clear that they are not effective at preventing COVID-19 deaths.

If you care about Covid, please read studies that nanoparticles in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are nothing to fear, and Moderna, Pfizer COVID vaccines much stronger than Johnson & Johnson/Janssen.

For more information about health, please see recent studies that many COVID-19 survivors suffer from a new disability, lung damage, and results showing two paths toward ‘super immunity’ to COVID-19.

The study was conducted by Azizullah Beran et al., and published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

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