Weight Loss

This diabetes drug can help you lose weight regardless of age

Scientists from Tel Aviv University found a drug could help people lose weight effectively no matter how old they are. They found that obesity drug...

This number could predict risk of type 2 diabetes in people with normal weight

Obesity and excess weight increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but individuals of normal weight can also develop the disease. Scientists from Lund...

Why it’s hard to maintain weight loss

About 70% of U.S. adults are trying to lose weight. However, as a result of evolutionary pressures dating back to our most distant ancestors,...

Weight loss and lifestyle change could reduce severity of sleep apnea

Scientists from the University of Granada found that weight loss and lifestyle intervention are linked to meaningful and sustainable improvements in obstructive sleep apnea...

Scientists find a new way to reduce belly fat and grow muscle

Scientists from Louisville found a new way to reduce belly fat and increase muscles. They found the combination of radiofrequency (RF) heating and high-intensity focused...

This berry may protect you from cancer, diabetes, obesity

In a recent study published in Cancer Discovery, researchers have discovered that the Brazilian camu-camu berry, already recognized for its protective effects against obesity and...

Time restricted diets provide no benefit for curbing obesity

Scientists from Nanfang Hospital and elsewhere found that time-restricted diets offer no benefits toward weight loss. The research is published in The New England Journal...

Excess weight almost doubles risk of this cancer

Scientists from the University of Bristol found that lifelong excess weight almost doubles a woman's risk of developing womb cancer. They found that for every...

Obesity strongly increases heart failure risk in these women

Scientists from the University of California Davis found that obesity strongly increased heart failure risk among women who experienced late menopause—at age 55 or...

Why diet drinks make you gain more weight

Scientists from Johns Hopkins found that overweight and obese adults who drink diet beverages take in more calories from solid foods—especially snacks—than those who...