Weight Loss

These six exercises could prevent weight gain despite ‘obesity genes’

Researchers found that six common exercises can help prevent weight gain even in people with obesity genes. The six exercises include jogging, mountain climbing, walking,...

Overweight, not high blood sugar, linked to higher risk of COVID-19, long COVID

In a study from University College London, scientists found that high body mass index (BMI), rather than high blood sugar levels, are associated with...

Oat and rye may lower liver inflammation and weight gain

In a recent study from the University of Eastern Finland and elsewhere, scientists found that eating dietary fiber from oat and rye brans could...

Here is how you should cut calories, according to new study

Weight-control programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig and diet app MyFitnessPal tell dieters to set a daily calorie budget. In a study, researchers question...

Study reveals one critical cause of obesity

In a recent study from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, scientists found that a high-fat diet can disturb the body clock in the brain that...

Heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes share this common cause

In a study from Uppsala University, scientists found that deep belly fat is a major risk factor for diabetes and heart disease. They found that...

Artificial sweeteners linked to risks of weight gain, heart disease

In a study from the University of Manitoba, scientists found artificial sweeteners may be linked to long-term weight gain and increased risk of obesity,...

When you eat the largest meal every day does not affect weight loss

In a study from the University of Aberdeen, scientists found whether a person eats their largest meal early or late in the day does...

Coffee linked to lower body fat in women, study finds

Scientists from Anglia Ruskin University found women who drink two or three cups of coffee a day have a lower total body and abdominal...

Common weight loss surgery could reduce cancer risk and death

In a recent study, scientists from Cleveland Clinic found that among adults with obesity, weight loss achieved with bariatric surgery was linked to a...