Weight Loss

A new hope in the fight against obesity

Imagine a medicine that can help people lose weight and trim their waistlines, no matter how long they've been struggling with extra pounds. This isn't...

Scientists find a simple way to prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity

Eating less often and avoiding food late at night might just be a simple, powerful way to stay healthy. This idea comes from a review...

Vitamin D effectiveness is influenced by your body weight

Vitamin D, often dubbed the "sunshine vitamin," plays a crucial role in our health. It's not just about bone health; vitamin D helps our...

The family connection to obesity into middle age

Imagine this: your chances of facing obesity in your middle years skyrocket if both your parents were obese at the same age. This isn't just...

Scientists find big cause of global obesity epidemic

The rise in obesity rates in Denmark and around the world has been alarming, with the number of obese individuals in Denmark alone doubling...

Weight loss and heart failure: What you need to know

When we think about heart failure, the image that often comes to mind involves symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, and swollen ankles. However, there's...

MIT develops a new weight loss pill to help you feel full

Imagine sitting down to a big meal and feeling full after just a few bites. This isn't about losing your appetite but about a...

Can weight loss help reverse type 2 diabetes?

The narrative around Type 2 diabetes has long been one of management and mitigation, with the focus on controlling symptoms and preventing complications through...

Resistant starch could help with weight loss

In a significant leap forward for dietary science, an international team of researchers has unveiled how a diet rich in resistant starch can transform...

These two common weight loss surgeries are equally safe

In a recent study at the University of Gothenburg, researchers made an important discovery about obesity surgeries. They found that the two most common types,...