Weight Loss

Obesity and overweight linked to worse outcomes in blood cancer

America's growing waistlines are giving scientists some food for thought. There's a fresh study that connects being overweight to getting less benefit from certain treatments...

People with lower body weight can achieve type 2 diabetes remission

A landmark study led by Professor Roy Taylor and his team at Newcastle University indicates that individuals with lower body mass indexes (BMIs) can...

Understanding your health risks: the importance of metabolic health and weight

You might think that slim people are always healthier than overweight ones. That's not entirely true. Recent research says lean people who have certain health...

Is high BMI always a death sentence? Rutgers university study explores

Body Mass Index, often referred to as BMI, is a way we measure a person's weight. It's just a simple calculation based on your...

Weight-loss surgery: a ray of hope for sleep apnea patients

If you or a loved one suffers from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) coupled with obesity, here's some encouraging news. A recent study has shown that...

Overweight but not obese people do not have a higher risk of death

A new study published in the journal PLOS ONE suggests that individuals classified as overweight, but not obese, do not face a higher risk...

The weight bounce-back battle: how new drugs help after weight loss surgery

Are you someone who had weight-loss surgery but then gained some pounds back? Don't lose hope! A recent study led by researchers at UT Southwestern...

Rapid weight loss may improve advanced fatty liver disease – new research

Around 2% of adults worldwide suffer from a condition called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (Nash), an advanced form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This occurs when fat...

Lightweight minds: BMI decreases 7 years before cognitive decline

Let's start with some basics. Body mass index (BMI) is a number that tells us about the weight of a person relative to their...

Double whammy: diabetes drug also knocks out obesity

A drug named tirzepatide, usually known for fighting off type 2 diabetes, has emerged as a new heavyweight champion against obesity. A team of smart...