Weight Loss

Cognitive behavioral therapy can benefit people after weight loss surgery

Many people undergo a specific operation known as bariatric surgery to lose weight. This type of surgery changes the way the stomach and small intestine...

This tropical plant may help treat obesity, study finds

Obesity is a major global health concern, significantly contributing to the risk of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Addressing this issue, a multi-institutional...

Weight loss surgery is a better solution than quick-fix weight loss pills

Nowadays, you can find many promises on social media about quick ways to lose weight. One of the latest trends in diabetes medicine being...

Body contouring helps you lose weight better after weight loss surgery

When people lose a lot of weight, especially after weight loss surgery like bariatric surgery, they often end up with extra skin hanging around...

Air pollution linked to childhood obesity, study finds

Childhood obesity, or kids being too heavy for their age and height, is a big problem around the world. Many things can cause it. Sometimes...

How a common sugar fructose contributes to obesity

A team of researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have discovered that fructose, a type of sugar found in many foods,...

Seven techniques to avoid weight regain, approved by experts

Losing weight is challenging. But as anyone who has ever successfully lost weight knows, it’s avoiding weight re-gain that’s the real challenge. This is true...

Waist fat may not always mean diabetes, study shows

We usually think that having a lot of belly fat can lead to type 2 diabetes. However, a new study from the University of...

Why people have seasonal weight gain

Australians are known for their love of celebrations. Whether it's the weekend or Christmas, Australians enjoy the festive spirit often with a bit of...

Seven techniques to avoid weight regain, approved by experts

Losing weight is challenging. But as anyone who has ever successfully lost weight knows, it’s avoiding weight regain that’s the real challenge. This is true...