Weight Loss

How our gut health might affect diabetes, obesity, and more

Our digestive system is like a bustling city, home to around 100 trillion tiny creatures like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and more. This diverse community, known...

Metabolic benefits of weight loss surgery disappear fast, study finds

Researchers from Lund University in Sweden have recently looked into the lasting impacts of gastric bypass surgeries, specifically focusing on the metabolic changes patients...

Microgreens and mature veggies both may limit weight gain

Microgreens, tiny young vegetables that can be grown right on your windowsill, have earned quite a reputation for their potential health benefits. Researchers have delved...

Scientists find two big contributors to obesity

Since 1975, the number of obese individuals worldwide has almost tripled. This alarming statistic from the World Health Organization (WHO) raises questions about the...

How artificial sweeteners may cause more belly fat

Artificial sweeteners, those handy little packets we often use in our coffee or tea, have long been a favorite alternative to sugar. They're sweet like...

Heart benefits and health concerns: Should you take the new weight-loss drugs?

The headlines surrounding a new class of weight-loss drugs fluctuate like a patient stepping on and off a scale. The medications, based on the drug...

People burn fat very differently during exercise, study finds

When people exercise, many aim to burn fat. Some commercial exercise machines even offer a "fat-burning zone" setting. This setting often considers age, gender, and...

New diabetes drug helps control blood sugar and weight more effectively

Diabetes is a growing concern. It's a condition where the body can't control sugar levels in the blood. This can cause health problems over time. A...

Eating pecans could help curb obesity and reduce inflammation

Eating unhealthy foods and not moving enough are major reasons why many people around the world are gaining too much weight and getting sick. But...

High-intensity interval training can burn body fat better, study finds

Struggling with stubborn body fat? Professor Zeljko Pedisic from Victoria University, Melbourne, suggests considering High-Intensity-Interval-Training (HIIT) as a part of your fitness regime. The study, recently...