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Obesity may harm men and women in different ways

In a new study, researchers found people who carry around unhealthy amounts of weight don't just have heart disease and diabetes to worry about. Obesity...

Intermittent fasting — Foolproof or fad?

Fad diets and exercise routines seem to come and go as often as the refrigerator calls out to people looking to lose a few...

Snacking: the modern habit that could be putting your health and waistline at risk

Cakes, biscuits and energy bars are, for many people, just staples of everyday life—the snacks that keep them going through the day. But most people...

This exercise may help older men reduce belly fat

In a recent study, researchers designed a 10-week, easy-to-perform, personalized, progressive vigorous-intensity interval training program. They found that exercise could help reduce belly fat in...

This thing may drive heart disease in obese people

In a new study, researchers found high blood sugar in obesity appears to gum up the works of the circadian clocks inside cells that...

Popular weight loss diet could reverse common kidney disease

In a new study, researchers have found a popular diet could hold the key to treating polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The research was conducted by...

BPA-free plastics may play a role inflammation, obesity

In a new study, researchers found a compound used to reduce public exposure to possible toxic effects of the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) may...

Yo-yo dieting may drive compulsive eating

In a new study, researchers found the chronic cyclic pattern of overeating followed by undereating could reduce the brain's ability to feel reward and...

Weight gain in early adult life may increase early death risk

In a new study, researchers found gaining weight from your mid-20s into middle age is associated with an increased risk of premature death. Weight loss...

Scientists find new health benefit of eating rice

It is known that people who eat more dietary fiber and whole grains have lower body weight and cholesterol. Previous research has shown that these...