How diabetes and obesity affect the brain
With more than 30 million Americans diagnosed with diabetes, and another 87 million diagnosed with obesity, both conditions have become national epidemics.
The two diseases...
Overweight and under 50? Your risk of dementia may rise later in life
In a new study, researchers found that younger adults who are overweight or obese face a higher risk of dementia in their golden years.
This hormone therapy can lead to remission in men with type 2 diabetes
In a new study, researchers found that testosterone therapy reversed Type 2 diabetes in one-third of the male participants.
They conducted the study over 11...
Popular weight loss diet may influence your gut health
Low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diets have attracted public interest in recent years for their proposed benefits in lowering inflammation and promoting weight loss and heart...
This drug for alcohol use disorder may help lose weight
A recent study at the National Institute on Aging (NIA) found that disulfiram, a drug used to treat alcohol use disorder for more than...
Your body can cope surprisingly well with one-off calorie indulgence
In a new study, researchers found that our metabolism is surprisingly good at coping with the over-indulgence of calories.
The study involved participants eating pizza...
Why obesity is so common in people with COVID-19
In a new study, researchers found a hormone that connects the body's metabolism and immune response system may explain why COVID-19 is so dangerous...
This study shows a new way to reduce obesity
A recent study from the University of Gothenburg found a new method of reducing human body weight and fat mass using weighted vests.
The study...
Even mild obesity may increase COVID-19 severity, death risk
In a new study, researchers found that the risk of greater COVID-19 severity and death is higher in people with any obese body mass...
These two health problems are big risk factors of severe COVID-19
In a new review study, researchers found that metabolic syndrome and obesity increase the risk of severe disease from viral infection.
The research was conducted...