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This tea may help you lose weight during sleep

In a new study, researchers found that drinking oolong tea might help people lose weight while they sleep. The research was conducted by a team...

Obesity can weaken heart muscle in common heart failure

For decades, about half of all patients with heart failure appear to have hearts that contract normally—a syndrome now known as heart failure with...

Researchers discover the real cause of obesity

Conventional wisdom suggests that an increasingly sedentary and germ-free lifestyle, resulting in low daily energy expenditure, is a primary cause underlying rising rates of...

Simple exercises can effectively boost your fitness

In a new study, researchers examined the effectiveness of old-school physical training and found that simple bodyweight exercises, when performed vigorously over short periods,...

Exercise could protect bone health after weight loss surgery

Although weight loss surgery is a highly effective treatment for obesity, it can be detrimental to bone health. In a new study, researchers found that...

Cholesterol-lowering drugs may boost gut health in obese people

In a new study, researchers found that statin drugs, a group of cholesterol-lowering medications, may help improve gut health in obese people. The research was...

You can burn fat most efficiently by walking at your own pace

In a new study, researchers found that people who exercise via walking at their own pace burn fat most efficiently. The research was conducted by...

Cold weather may help you burn more fat in exercise

In a new study, researchers found that high-intensity interval exercise may help burn more fat when performed in cold weather. The research was conducted by...

The keys to successful weight loss maintenance

In a new study, researchers found that if you want to lose weight and keep it off, building healthy dietary, self-monitoring and psychological coping...

New drug combo may improve blood sugar and weight control in diabetes

In a new study, researchers found that adding an experimental cancer drug to a widely used diabetes treatment may improve blood glucose control and...