Scientists identify circuit responsible for building memories during sleep
Neuroscientists at the University of Alberta have identified a mechanism that may help build memories during deep sleep, according to a new study.
This study...
Trouble sleeping? Insomnia slinked to high risk of stroke, heart attack
In a new study, researchers found people who have trouble sleeping may be more likely to have a stroke, heart attack or other heart...
88% of Americans lose sleep because of binge-watching
In a new study, researchers found U.S. adults rank sleep as their second most important priority, following family.
However, results show that Americans are often...
Better way to treat insomnia and sleep apnea
OSA patients—who comprise around 10% of the general population—suffer from frequent airway narrowing events during sleep which leads to poor quality of sleep and...
Are we ‘brainwashed’ during sleep?
In a new study, researchers suggest that tonight while you sleep, something amazing will happen within your brain.
Your neurons will go quiet. A few...
New evidence supports strong link between sleep and overall good health
In a new study, researchers found that poor sleep can negatively affect your gut microbiome, which can, in turn, lead to additional health issues.
How much is too much? Moderate use of screen time can be good for...
New study has found that moderate levels of screen time can have a positive effect on children’s wellbeing and mental health.
Based on data from...
Why sleep is very important to your brain health
Science tells us that a lot of good things happen in our brains while we sleep—learning and memories are consolidated and waste is removed,...
You may solve a problem better if you “sleep on it”
In a new study, researchers found people actually might solve a problem better if they "sleep on it.”
In fact, the researchers were able to...
‘Short sleep’ gene could protect memory function from sleep deprivation
In a new study, researchers found a gene that's ever been shown to prevent the memory deficits that normally accompany sleep deprivation.
This gene is...