Using pain and sleep drugs frequently may double frailty risk
Many older Americans to use two or more prescription drugs at the same time and many of these prescription drugs are for pain and...
How to stop the snore effectively
Roses, candy and a candlelit dinner are nice, romantic gestures that many of us fall back on for Valentine's Day.
In addition to these gifts,...
Cannabis may not reduce sleep problems, cancer pain in the long run
In a new study, researchers found that medicinal cannabis might not ease sleep problems in people with chronic pain over the long term, because...
Sleep loss due to the Super Bowl? 40% of Americans often have
Fun on Super Bowl Sunday can lead to a tired Monday for many. In a new survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine...
Untreated sleep apnea can put your heart health at risk
February is American Heart Month. Did you know that sleep apnea impacts heart health?
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, nearly 30 million...
Sleep apnea may lead to blindness in people with diabetes
When people with diabetes have poor control over their blood sugar levels, the tiny blood vessels at the back of the eye can become...
Blue light may help health mild traumatic brain injury
In a new study, researchers found that early morning blue light exposure therapy can aid the healing process of people impact by mild traumatic...
Beauty sleep could be real, new study shows
In a new study, researchers found for the first time why having a good night's sleep really could prepare us for the rigors of...
Weight loss may help treat sleep apnea by reducing tongue fat
In a new study, researchers found that weight loss in obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) appears to improve sleep apnea primarily by...
Scientists find the cause of sleep problems in children with autism
In a new study, researchers found that children with autism have more significant sleep difficulties caused by shallower brain waves than typically developing children.