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‘Springing forward’ affects early birds less than night owls

Every spring, the Daylight Saving Time shift robs people of an hour of sleep. In a new study from Michigan Medicine, researchers found that DNA...

Common sleep pills may protect against kidney damage

In a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine and Pharmaceuticals, researchers found that melatonin protects from kidney damage caused by obesity...

Always tired? You may have sleep apnea

Do you feel tired or have a headache when you wake up in the morning?  Something might be going wrong while you sleep that...

Why people with sleep apnea more likely to have high blood pressure

In a recent study published in the European Respiratory Journal, researchers found the potential cause of high blood pressure in people with sleep apnea. The study...

Sleep and fitness go hand-in-hand

In a new study from the University of Saskatchewan, researchers confirmed the connection between sleep and physical activity among middle-aged women. They found a big...

How blue light can affect your sleep

Extended exposure to light during nighttime can have negative consequences for human health. In a new study from the University of Tsukuba, researchers found a...

How sleep loss can harm your mental and physical wellbeing

In a new study from the University of South Florida, researchers found all it takes is three consecutive nights of sleep loss to cause...

Older men need to monitor their sleep, study says

In a new study published in the Journal of Sleep Research, researchers suggest that men aged 65 and over should monitor their sleep patterns...

This treatment can reduce severity of sleep apnea by one third

In a new study from Flinders University, researchers successfully repurposed two existing drugs to reduce the severity of sleep apnea in people by at...

Too much, too little sleep linked to higher heart disease risk

In a new study, researchers found people who clock six to seven hours of sleep a night had the lowest chance of dying from...