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Poor sleep in middle-age harms brain health, may increase dementia risk

In a new study from The Australian National University, scientists found that poor sleep in middle age can have a negative impact on brain...

Short sleep at night linked to doubled risk of dangerous artery disease

A new study at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden found that sleeping for less than five hours a night can increase the risk...

Statin drugs may reduce heart disease in people with common sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by interruptions in breathing during sleep. It occurs when the muscles at the back of the throat...

What happens when we sleep, and why we need just the right amount each...

Research shows adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night for optimal health, and children need more. But what's happening during those hours...

Stroke linked to sleep problems, study finds

A new study from the University of Ottawa has examined the prevalence of sleep disturbances in Canadian adults, examining their potential associations with stroke,...

High-carb diet could increase insomnia in older women

Consuming a diet high in refined carbohydrates may increase the risk of developing insomnia and reduce the quality of sleep.

Common sleep drugs may increase dementia risk, study finds

Sleep medications are drugs that are taken to help people fall asleep or stay asleep. They are commonly used to treat insomnia, a sleep disorder...

Shift work linked to overeating and higher illness risks

Monash University has led research showing that shift workers who rotate shifts tend to eat more junk food, and fewer nutritious foods, and have...

Sleep: here’s how much you really need for optimal cognition and wellbeing

Most of us struggle to think well after a poor night’s sleep – feeling foggy and failing to perform at our usual standard at...

Trouble falling asleep at bedtime may be linked to dementia

New research has found that there is a link between sleep problems and the risk of developing dementia over a 10-year period. The study, which...