Why weak muscles is harmful to your health
In a recent study from the University of Michigan, researchers find that people with weaker muscles do not typically live as long as their...
Carbon dioxide could help reduce belly fat
In a recent study, researchers from Northwestern Medicine show that carbon dioxide gas injections (carboxytherapy) can help reduce fat around the stomach.
Although currently the...
Scientist debunks 6 common myths about healthy diet
Healthy eating is a big part of a healthy lifestyle, and it can help prevent many chronic health conditions, such as obesity, type 2...
How smoking can change your brain genetically
In a recent study, researchers find that chronic, frequent tobacco smokers have a decreased number of cannabinoid CB1 receptors, the "pot receptor", when compared...
5 common weight loss myths you should know
Obesity and overweight can greatly hurt our health by increasing the risk of many chronic disease, like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood...
Even brief meditation could improve cognitive skills
In a recent study, researchers from Yale University and Swarthmore College find that a 10-minute meditation tape could help college students perform cognitive tasks...
MRI shows lifestyle habits affect brain health
In a study led by the University of Oxford, researchers used advanced MRI to test if factors such as blood pressure, fitness, smoking and...
Night owls with prediabetes may have higher obesity risk
In a new study from University of Illinois at Chicago, researchers find that people with prediabetes who go to bed later, eat meals later...
How to use contact lens correctly to avoid eye infection
In a recent study, researchers find that most contact lens wearers admit to at least one bad hygiene habit that puts them at risk...
Exercise may improve mental health, but more could be less
In a recent study, researchers find that people who exercise report having 1.5 fewer days of poor mental health a month, compared to people...