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Intensive lifestyle intervention linked to better quality of life in obese people

Intensive lifestyle intervention linked to better quality of life in obese people

Obesity brings lots of risk to people’s physical and mental health. Currently most weight loss programs focus on reducing body weight and improve heart and...
Exercise could cut risk of chronic disease in older people

Exercise could cut risk of chronic disease in older people

In a new study, researchers at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research find that older adults who exercise above current recommended levels have less...
Mindfulness is key to tinnitus relief

Mindfulness is key to tinnitus relief

A recent study has found that a new mindfulness-based approach could help treat tinnitus. The approach is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). It can help significantly...
How to sleep well every night

How to sleep well every night

Insomnia troubles many people. It is a disorder in which a person has difficulty falling asleep or maintaining sleep or wakes up too early in...
Divorce, smoking and lack of exercise strongly harm your health

Divorce, smoking and lack of exercise strongly harm your health

More research links divorce to poor health conditions, including greater risk for early death. However, the reason for the connection is unclear. In a new...
A healthy retirement is more than lifestyle

A healthy retirement is more than lifestyle

Scientists find that 5 things in a person's 50s could indicate whether or not they will be fit and healthy into retirement and beyond The...
How long time meditation change your brain

How long time meditation changes your brain

In a new study from University of Wisconsin–Madison, researchers examined brain activity in non-meditators, new meditators, and long-term meditators with thousands of hours of...
How sleep apnea and irregular heartbeat are connected

How sleep apnea and irregular heartbeat are connected

If a patient experiences irregular heartbeat like atrial fibrillation, the doctor may recommend a test for obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. This is because the...
Support after weight loss surgery is important for patients’ health

Support after weight loss surgery is important for patients’ health

Traditional weight loss treatments use strong lifestyle interventions. This may include low-calorie diets, high-intensity exercise and educational classes. Although lifestyle interventions are effective for weight...
Why a big waistline could harm your health

Why a big waistline could harm your health

It is known that overweight and obesity are very harmful to our health. They are big risk factors for many chronic diseases, such as heart...