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Six months of aerobic exercise may reverse aging in thinking skills

Six months of aerobic exercise may reverse aging in thinking skills

In a new study, researchers found that doing aerobic exercise for just six months could greatly improve thinking skills in older people cognitive impairments. The...
How to prevent cavity in your teeth

How to prevent cavity in your teeth

Sweet foods and drinks can harm our oral health and can lead to cavities. A cavity is the most prevalent chronic oral disease in both...

Why obesity could be particularly harmful to older people

In a new study, researchers found that to older people, obesity could mean fewer years of ‘healthy life’. Obese seniors may have fewer years of...
Why you may want to stop using plastic water bottles

Why you may want to stop using plastic water bottles

A recent study has found that exposure to bisphenol-A or BPA can worsen symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. BPA exists in polycarbonate plastics...
These 9 things may increase your risk of pre-diabetes

These 9 things may increase your risk of pre-diabetes

Pre-diabetes is a health condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal. Although not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,...
Scientists discover why obesity linked to depression

Scientists discover why obesity linked to depression

In a new study, researchers discovered why obesity and depression are connected. They found that when saturated fatty acids from a high-fat diet could enter...
These two things may help boost memory in older people

These two things may help boost memory in older people

In a new study, researchers found that good sleep quality and a good mood may help improve working memory in older people. The research was...
These two things may lead to obesity

These two things may lead to obesity

In a new study, researchers found that psychological stress and emotional eating could contribute to obesity. They found that people who have financial issues are...

Anger or sadness, which is more harmful to older people?

In a new study, researchers examined how negative emotions, such as anger and sadness, could influence health in older people. They found that anger may...

This treatment may help you maintain weight loss for 5 years

In a new study, researchers found that a relatively new obesity treatment could help people maintain their weight loss for about 5 years. The treatment...