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Hard food may give you a strong jaw

In a new study, researchers found that eating hard food may contribute to a strong jaw. They found that foods requiring higher chewing force could...
To sleep better, avoid these three things in your dinner

To sleep better, avoid these three things in your dinner

If you drink coffee or tea in the evening, you may find it hard to fall asleep at night. Caffeine can be found in many...

Most older people feel they are younger, and this can be risky

In a new study, researchers examined the ‘age inside’ and ‘age outside’ in older people age 65-90. They found most older people feel they are...
You don’t need 10,000 steps every day to live longer

You don’t need 10,000 steps every day to live longer

Many wearable devices track the number of steps a person takes each day and they are pre-programmed with a daily goal of 10,000 steps. The...
Being overweight in youth may cause this heart disease

Being overweight in youth may cause this heart disease

In a new study, researchers found people who were overweight around age 18 were more likely to have a heart muscle disease that can...
35- to 50-year-old men need to know this bone disease

Middle-aged men need to know this bone disease

In a new study, researchers found that men between 35 and 50 years of age are more likely to have osteopenia, a precursor to...
This diet may be critical for weight loss

This diet may be critical for weight loss

In a new study, researchers found that a diet low in specific building blocks of proteins (amino acids) may be critical for weight loss. The...

4 tips to boost your libido

Recent research has shown that more than 40% of women and 30% of men experience some kind of sexual dysfunction. The most common condition is...
New health benefits of martial arts you should know

New health benefits of martial arts you should know

Being physically active is important for our overall health. While many people choose jogging, walking, swimming, or lifting weights as their daily exercise, research has...
5 big health risks of indoor tanning everyone should know

5 big health risks of indoor tanning everyone should know

Many people like to use sunlamps and tanning beds to have a bronzed body all year round. But recent research has shown that the ultraviolet...