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5 things older people can do to be safe in summer

5 things older people can do to be safe in summer

Summer is a great time for outdoor exercises and vacation. But for older people, summer weather and activities sometimes can be challenging. Older people react differently...
Night owls can change their body clocks to have better health

Night owls can change their body clocks to have better health

In a new study, researchers found that people who sleep late and get up late ('night owls’) could retrain their body clock. This could lead...

This yoga practice may fight high blood pressure

In a new study, researchers found that yoga practice that emphasizes mental relaxation and breathing techniques can have a beneficial impact on high blood...

If you want to lose weight, avoid these mistakes

Many know a healthy diet is important for weight loss success, but they sometimes choose the wrong food. Researchers from the University of Wollongong in...

5 things every man can do to be healthier

Recent research has shown that men are more likely to skip routine health screening tests than women. Many men tend to avoid see their doctors...
Your sleep history may help predict Alzheimer’s later in life

Your sleep history may help predict Alzheimer’s later in life

In a new study, researchers found that sleep patterns can predict the accumulation of Alzheimer's pathology proteins later in life. The new finding may help...
Physically demanding jobs may harm your health

Physically demanding jobs may harm your health if you retire late

In a new study, researchers found that men and women who do physically demanding jobs may have poorer mental and body health if they...
Your circle of friends may predict your health better than your Fitbit

Your circle of friends may predict your health better than your Fitbit

In a new study, researchers found that people’s circle of friends could help predict their health conditions better than their fitness trackers. They found the...

7 weight loss myths you should to know

It is known that a well-designed diet and regular exercises can help you lose body weight. But there are many myths and misunderstandings that people...
New ‘virtual biopsy’ could detect skin tumors in 15 min

New ‘virtual biopsy’ could detect skin tumors in 15 min

In a new study, researchers found that a new virtual biopsy drive could detect skin cancer quickly. The device uses sound vibrations and pulses of...