Home Wellness Page 417


Avoid these 3 things in your dinner to sleep better tonight

What you eat and drink can have a big impact on your sleep. For example, if you drink coffee or tea in the evening, you...

This simple water exercise may reduce artery stiffness, protect heart health

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is an atherosclerotic disease that is linked to reduced vascular function, cardiorespiratory capacity, physical function, and muscular strength. It is essential...

Yoga may help improve your brain functions

Scientists have known for decades that aerobic exercise strengthens the brain and contributes to the growth of new neurons, but few studies have examined...

This dieting method may help lower blood pressure, lose weight

In a new study, researchers found that time-restricted eating could help people lose body weight and lower blood pressure. The research was conducted by a...

Exercise may treat back pain better than painkillers

While sciatica is one of the most common forms of back pain, people often assume they have it when they don't, says U of...

Workout frequency, not type, most important for strength gains in women

In a new study, researchers found that it's not necessarily the type of exercise that has the biggest impact on women's strength gains, but...

Common household chemicals may lower heart disease in people with diabetes

Perfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, were popularized by various industries in the 1940s because of their ability to repel oil and water. These chemicals mainly exist...

This nutrient in your food may increase insomnia, sleep loss

In a new study, researchers found that a diet high in refined carbohydrates—particularly added sugars — may trigger insomnia and reduce sleep quality. On the...

To lose your belly fat successfully, try these 8 things

It is known that being overweight or obese can greatly harm your health Recent studies have found that many chronic diseases, such as type 2...

This high blood pressure drug may help treat alcohol use disorders

In a new study, researchers found that a drug used to treat high blood pressure may alleviate anxiety induced by long-term heavy alcohol use. It...