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Scientists find key to weight loss success

It is known that regular exercise is important for weight loss. In a recent study, scientists the Brown Alpert Medical School found that consistency in...

This common food may cause slow testosterone in men

In a new study, researchers found fast-food meals consumed by obese or overweight men have an immediate negative impact on testicular performance and testosterone...

Hot water soak may effectively manage this dangerous artery disease

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a condition in which fatty buildup accumulates in the arteries, leading to reduced blood flow to the limbs. It is...

This diet may make your brain age faster

In a new study, researchers found a high-fat, high-sugar diet could make the brain age faster, and endurance exercise such as running could help...

Losing weight—and keeping it off—may protect your heart and metabolic function

In a new study, researchers found people who lose weight and keep it off can stabilize or even improve their cardio-metabolic risk factors compared...

Torn between work and family? It may not be good for heart health

When family demands affect work performance or work demands undermine family obligations, the resulting stress may contribute to decreased heart health, particularly among women,...

Craving junk food after a sleepless night? Blame your nose

When you're sleep-deprived, you tend to reach for doughnuts, fries, and pizza. In a new study, researchers have figured out why you crave more calorie-dense,...

Overweight before age 40 may increase your risk of these cancers

In a new study, researchers found if people are overweight before age 40, they may increase their cancer risk. The research was conducted by an...

Maintaining weight loss can protect heart health in people with diabetes

In a new study, researchers found people with type 2 diabetes who regained weight forfeited the initial benefits of reduced risk of heart disease...

Slower walkers have older and bodies and brains at 45

In a new study, researchers found the walking speed of 45-year-olds, particularly their fastest walking speed without running, can be used as a marker...