Home Wellness Page 282


Vaping may increase respiratory disease risk by more than 40%

A growing body of evidence points to the health risks of using e-cigarettes (or "vaping"). But because e-cigarettes are marketed as a less harmful alternative...

Resistance training can benefit older women just as much as older men

In a new study, researchers found that men and women aged over 50 can reap similar relative benefits from resistance training. While men are likely...

This supplement can help obese but otherwise healthy people lose weight

In a new study, researchers found that a compound given as a dietary supplement to overweight but otherwise healthy people in a clinical trial...

More than 85% of mild COVID-19 patients report loss of smell

In a new study, researchers found that reduced sense of smell, or olfactory dysfunction, is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19. They examined...

Tiny wireless device could help with weight loss

Gastric bypass surgery is sometimes the last resort for those who struggle with obesity or have serious health-related issues due to their weight. Since this...

Scientists develop a better way to treat obesity

Gastric bypass surgery is sometimes the last resort for those who struggle with obesity or have serious health-related issues due to their weight. Since this...

E-cigarettes can cause inflammation in the gut

In a new study, researchers found that the chemicals found in e-cigarettes disrupt the gut barrier and trigger inflammation in the body, potentially leading...

5 tips to help you keep exercising this new year

Exercising more is one of the most common new year resolutions people make. But more than a quarter of people fail to keep their resolutions,...

More exercise in midlife means better brain health in later life

In a new study, researchers found that the more physical activity people do in midlife the better their brain health in later life. The research...

Sleep disorders plague stroke survivors – and put them at risk

People who have strokes or mini-strokes often experience a wide range of sleep disorders in the months that follow, a problem that can put...