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Daily food that protect you from heart disease

Daily food can protect you from heart disease

Eating healthy foods is very important for keeping a risk of heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading global...
Mobile phone radiation may hurt memory performance in kids

Mobile phone radiation may hurt memory performance in kids

In a recent study, researchers find that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may harm the development of memory performance of specific brain regions. The rapid evolution of...
Scientists discover new genes for heart function

Scientists discover new genes for heart function

A new study has identified new genes associated with heart function and development. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is used to record heart's rhythm and electrical activity....
Stroke patients can boost brain activity at home

Stroke patients can boost brain activity at home

In a new study, researchers from University of South Australia have adopted a new method to help stroke victims recover greater use of their...
Scientists discover 1200+ gens linked to education

Scientists discover 1200+ gens linked to education

In a recent study, an international research team including CU Boulder scientists has identified more than 1,200 genetic variants associated with how much schooling...
Can you stay anxiety-free after treatment 0701

Can your kid stay anxiety-free after treatment?

For the many young people, anxiety disorders are chronic, even after a successful course of treatment, according to a recent study. The study is published...
Why caffeine may not help you lose weight

Why caffeine may not help you lose weight

A new study found that after drinking a small amount of caffeine, people eat 10% less at a breakfast buffet. But this effect did not...
Most people with probable dementia do not know they have it

Most people with probable dementia do not know they have it

In a recent study, researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine find that most older adults with probable dementia in the United States have never been...
Scientists discover gene for blindness

Scientists discover gene for blindness

In a new study, researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) have examined a recessive genetic disorder that prevents the eyes from developing and...
Eating more fruit and vegetables may reduce breast cancer risk

Eating more fruit and vegetables may reduce breast cancer risk

A new Harvard study shows that women who eat a high amount of fruits and vegetables each day may have a lower risk of...