Public Health

Lockdowns need to last more than 6 weeks to contain COVID-19

In a new study, researchers found that aggressive intervention such as lockdowns to contain COVID-19 must last for at least 44 days. The research was...

This new drug may strongly block early stages of COVID-19

In a new study, researchers found a trial drug that effectively blocks the cellular door SARS-CoV-2 uses to infect its hosts. The study provides new...

These health conditions may increase risks for severe COVID-19

In a new study, researchers found that having an underlying health condition might be one of the biggest risk factors for developing severe COVID-19. Those...

How to stay positive during COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly and drastically changed day-to-day life in the U.S., causing fear and anxiety. Loyola Medicine clinical psychologists Elizabeth Simmons, PsyD, and...

Gut symptoms are in mild COVID-19 disease, sometimes without fever

In a new study, researchers did the first analysis of gastrointestinal symptoms reported by COVID-19 patients with the mild disease rather than those with...

This potential COVID-19 vaccine shows promise in early research

In a new study, researchers found a potential vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic. When tested in mice, the vaccine, delivered...

Scientists find most common features in people killed by COVID-19

In a new study, researchers identified the most common characteristics of 85 COVID-19 patients who died in Wuhan, China in the early stages of...

Scientists find 40 new drugs to test against COVID-19

In a new study, researchers have identified 40 new potential drugs that could treat COVID-19. The findings come from a modeling tool for infection dynamics...

This common vaccine may be key to protecting children against COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its global spread, vaccine development is on everyone’s mind. Indiana University’s John Patton is no exception. Patton, associate professor of...

Wearing surgical masks in public could help slow COVID-19 pandemic

In a new study, researchers found that surgical masks may help prevent infected people from making others sick with seasonal viruses, including coronaviruses. They found...