Public Health

Asymptomatic spread could make the COVID-19 pandemic longer and worse

In a new study, researchers found the asymptomatic spread of the coronavirus is likely both common and significant. The finding may help dispel lingering doubts...

A better way to prevent COVID-19 than face masks: Face shields

A recent study from the University of Iowa found that face shields might replace masks as a more comfortable and more effective deterrent to...

This new sensor may detect COVID-19 in the air much faster

In a new study, researchers have developed a new sensor that could detect COVID-19 particles in the air fast. The research was conducted by a...

UK’s vaccine against COVID-19 is safe and promising, study finds

In a new study, researchers report promising early-stage results from a phase 1/2 clinical trial of the UK's vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2 (the virus...

This new test for heart failure could also help people with COVID-19

In a new study, researchers found a new blood test that reliably predicts outcomes for heart failure patients could lead to new diagnostics and...

Chinese phase 2 trial finds COVID-19 vaccine is safe and promising

In a new study, researchers report findings from a phase 2 trial of an Ad5 vectored COVID-19 vaccine candidate. They found the vaccine is safe...

Duke study shows how COVID-19 virus jumps from animals to humans

A recent study from Duke University and elsewhere examined the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that has caused the COVID-19 pandemic. They found that it...

This study shows new way to control COVID-19 infections

A recent study at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and elsewhere found a new technique could provide vital information about a community’s immunity to...

Vaccine additives can enhance immune flexibility, fighting virus more effectively

In a new study, researchers found a vaccine additive known as an adjuvant can enhance responses to a vaccine containing the exotic avian flu...

This simple blood test can predict severity of COVID-19

An early prognosis factor that could be a key to determining who will suffer greater effects from COVID-19, and help clinicians better prepare for...