Public Health

Flexible treatment at home for opioid use disorder is effective

Canada is among the world's top consumers of opioids, whether they're medically prescribed or obtained illegally from illicit producers of very powerful substances such...

Female leadership led to fewer COVID-19 deaths

Scientists from the University of Queensland found that countries with female leaders recorded 40% fewer COVID-19 deaths than nations governed by men. The research is...

Pfizer or Moderna booster only provide temporary protection against omicron

Scientists from Weill Cornell Medicine—Qatar found that a recent Pfizer or Moderna mRNA-vaccine booster provided good but temporary protection against infection by the SARS-CoV-2...

Brain damage caused by COVID-19 persist in many people

Scientists from the University of California San Diego found brain symptoms of COVID-19 persist in the majority of long-haulers. They found that while many patients...

Most male suicides in U.S. show no link to mental health issues, UCLA study...

Most American men who die by suicide don’t have any known history of mental health problems, according to new research by UCLA professor Mark...

Scientists find more than 1,000 genes linked to severe COVID-19

Scientists from Stanford and the University of Sheffield found there are specific genetic signals in people who develop severe COVID19 infection. The research is published...

Slow walkers have ‘four times higher’ COVID-19 death risk

Scientists from the University of Leicester found slow walkers are almost four times more likely to die from COVID-19 and have over twice the...

Omicron infection cannot boost your COVID-19 immunity effectively

Scientists from Imperial College London found that people infected with the omicron variant show poor immune boosting against future SARS-CoV-2 infection. The research is published...

COVID-19 can harm brain health in the long run

COVID-19 patients commonly report having headaches, confusion and other neurological symptoms, but doctors don’t fully understand how the disease targets the brain during infection. In...

Is monkeypox the next pandemic?

As more monkeypox infections are identified throughout the U.S. and the world, the public is more curious about the disease, especially because we are...