
office affair

Truth about infidelity in romantic relationships

Infidelity is the most common cause of divorce. Even with no marriage, infidelity in a romantic relationship can affect one’s personal life significantly. In a...
I am not a narcissist

Why narcissists make poor social decisions

Narcissism is an excessive interest in oneself. It can hurt one’s relationships with other people. Narcissists believe they know everything and assume everyone adores them. They also...
Romantic Couple

How a romantic partner’s opinions influence our body image and sexual well-being

Our romantic partner has a significant impact on our life quality. What s/he says about our body can change how we think about ourselves. A...
lady wearing red

Women’s red clothing can drive more mate-guarding from their men

Mate-guarding is a strategy to guard a partner from extra-pair relationships. It is a scientific term for possessiveness in love. Both men and women mate...
Happy couple

Does a taller husband make his wife happier?

It is known that women prefer tall men in romantic relationships. For instance, a French survey showed that 41% of women clearly mentioned tallness as...

Pornography could have positive effects on romantic relationships, says study

Most people fall in love at some point in their lives. How to maintain a healthy and happy romantic relationship is a very important...

How to communicate with your partner during a conflict

In a romantic relationship, it is common to have conflicts with the partner. The conflicts can be caused by unmet expectations, intimacy, time spent together,...

Tell me something I don’t know

Do you like surprises? If you don’t, it might be because our brain works very hard to avoid being surprised. The brain always tries to predict...
Hand gesture

Can our hands control our mind?

As humans, we can think and reason. It is our basic ability to be aware of the world and our life experiences. It is well...
Social network

Women are warmer but no less assertive than men in Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world. Every month, about 1.65 billion people use the site actively. When you sign up...