
Even mild stress may harm your brain functions, study shows

The notion that a bit of stress makes people perform better has been baked into our everyday lives. In a new study, researchers found that...

Forgetfulness may be a good sign of your brain function

In a new study, researchers found that forgetfulness may be a sign of brain efficiency. The research was conducted by a team at Bond University. In...

When someone you love is abusive

Abuse can be difficult to see, especially when it’s in your own relationship. It can start slowly, and it’s not always physical. You may not...

COVID-19 pandemic has little to no effect on intimate relationships, shows study

When the COVID-19 pandemic brought many couples into the close quarters of quarantine and lockdown, many researchers wondered whether the effect would be more...

These personality traits may help you prevent dementia, study shows

Our aging brains collect tangles and sticky plaques that can interfere in our cognition and memory. But a recent study at Northwestern Medicine found some...

Why motivation to learn declines with age

As people age, they often lose their motivation to learn new things or engage in everyday activities. In a study of mice, MIT neuroscientists have...

How to trick-or-treat safely this Halloween

COVID-19 might have made this year extra scary, but it does not mean you have to give up on your favorite Halloween activities. An infectious...

Do not let COVID-19 burst your holiday bubble

The holiday season is upon us and this year should look a little different as we continue to take precautions during the pandemic. A Baylor...

Scientists find a cause for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

In a new study, researchers found a cause for the sudden onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in some children. They identify antibodies that bind to...

Actively speaking two languages may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Languages are used to convey thoughts, identity, knowledge, and the way people see and understand the world. Mastering more than one language provides a gateway...